If you watch closely during games you will see chiropractors on the sidelines of every NFL team.  Of course other sports all have chiropractors too, NHL, NBA, MLB but they are not as visible.  These elite athletes require constant upkeep of their bodies to perform at their maximum.  This is where chiropractors are most beneficial to athletes.  Of course we can fix the aches and pains from over use or being hit in contact sports too.

Look at it this way.  Your body is a machine, even if you aren’t playing against Richard Sherman this weekend in the Super Bowl.  This machine has to function at its best all the time, to get your through your work day or your workout at the gym tonight.  The proper range of motion of your joints will prevent injuries, wear and tear (arthritis) and improve your performance.

Stop in and see Dr. Myers and get the most out of your body.  Dr. Myers is the official team chiropractor for the Kalamazoo Growlers.
