It’s that time of year again when we start to get out in the yard and clean up the mess from winter. Lots of raking, picking up sticks, pushing or riding lawn mowers, lifting heavy bags of grass clippings and aching backs from all the work. A few good tips to help alleviate the aches and pains of spring clean up.
1. Pace yourself-don’t try to do it all in one day. Trust me it will be there tomorrow too.
2. Take frequent breaks, have a glass of lemonade every 45 minutes.
3. Switch hands when you are doing a lot of raking.
4. Ice your back for 20 minutes when you get done. I usually watch the Tigers and have another glass of lemonade.
5. And most important of all get adjusted by your chiropractor. If your back is sore you have caused damage to your spine. As little as 1 or 2 adjustments can correct any problems and damage you have caused.
A little food for thought the link below shows that chiropractic care is 73% effective for low back pain as opposed to traditional medical care that is 17% effective. Trust me chiropractic works. Give me a call.
Dr. Myers has been serving the Kalamazoo area with their chiropractic needs since 2002. Visit us at or give us a call 269-381-2200