I’m sure you have seen in the news or read on Facebook or Twitter how many people are effected by opioid addiction. It is an incredibly difficult addiction to overcome and unfortunately can lead to a heroin addiction, which is all too available in our area.
A lot of patients started with opioid for treatment of a musculoskeletal condition such as back pain, neck pain or even headaches. It was also commonly prescribed after a surgery. Now that opioids are more closely controlled and not prescribed as often there are a lot of people that are still addicted so they are buying them on the street or turn to heroin, that has the same effect on the brain. Except the drug dealers like to make extra money and add tranquilizers into the mix to “cut” it and make a bigger high (hoping for repeat business) and better profits. The problem is the tranquilizers can kill you. They are used to put patients to sleep during surgery (and sometimes that patient is an elephant or horse) so there is no guarantee your local drug dealer has the same degree as your anesthesiologist and knows the proper dosage for you.
So why is your chiropractor talking about all of this? Because chiropractic offers a drug free option for pain relief to back and neck pain.
Chiropractic care is safe, effective and drug free! Treatments typically take about 15-20 minutes. They are gentle movements using either hands to move bones back into alignment or instruments that put a little pulse, my kids call it a clicker. The force is minimal yet effective.
Give it and try and find out what over 20 million Americans already know, chiropractic rocks!