Have you never been to a chiropractor? Nervous about what to expect? Worried about all that cracking and crunching that people tell you about? Well let me help you put your worries to rest.
Your first visit we will talk about what issues you are having, such as back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, numbness, tingling etc. Then if you had an injury. We will talk about your past medical history and any procedures or conditions. Then I will do a complete exam that basically consists of me moving your body through ranges of motion to see if it makes your pain better or worse. If it is warranted I will set up x-ray imaging of your spine. One of my favorite parts of practice is sitting down with new patients and explaining to them what is wrong while we look at their x-rays together. It’s a great way to better understand what you, as the patient, are looking for in terms of care and relief. And a great learning opportunity where I can teach you how to prevent future injuries. The first visit usually takes about 30-45 minutes and follow up visits are about 20 minutes.
If you don’t like the idea of having your back or neck “cracked” with the traditional chiropractic manipulation I can use an instrument that delivers a thrust that is very gentle. And by thrust we are talking a few Newtons of force, or for you non-science nerds out there 1 Newton = 0.224 pounds of force. So less than a pound of pressure with this adjusting technique.
You can fill out the intake paperwork on our website and bring that with you to your first visit and we can have you scheduled right away. Hope to see you soon!