Thanksgiving week is always one of my favorite times of the year. Although it can be a hectic week with lots of shopping and preparing for family, the time together is when we make all the fun memories 🙂 Of course, with all this running around and cooking there are certain aches and pains that typically come up this time of year. Here are a few tips to help prevent back pains:
- Wear good supportive shoes while baking, cooking and cutting up vegetables. One of the more common things I see is upper and lower back pain from standing for prolonged periods and leaning over to perform these tasks. Wearing good shoes can help give you a solid base to start off on.
- Take posture breaks. If you start to feel your back or shoulders tightening up do a few stretches in extension motions (meaning arms pulled back, over your head, stretch your back backwards). This will correct that poor posture.
- Ice is nice. Ice is always best for those over use injuries and aching joints and back.
- Don’t over reach, especially pulling those heavy objects out of the oven. The worst position you can be in for your back is bending at the waist with a twisting and reaching motion. Which is the exact position you have to be in to pull a turkey out of the oven. To correct this try squatting at the knees and keep your back straight and move the heavy culprit as close you as you can before lifting it.
We will be closed on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (11/24-11/27) through Thanksgiving, but back to help you on Monday 11/28.
Happy Thanksgiving!