Can Chiropractic Help a Disc Herniation?

The short answer is YES!  The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published an article showing some rather impressive results.  Of course it has been well known amongst us chiropractors for years.  A brief synopsis of the results are below....

What is a Disc Herniation?

A disc herniation or a “slipped disc” are both technically incorrect terms.  Buckle up for a wild ride into the world of disc issues as we know it.  A little caveat, we base disc “herniations” on an unweighted position since MRI’s are...

Chiropractic Decreases Back Pain due to Disc Herniation

Patients are often confused about how chiropractic works and what conditions it can help.  People often think if they have a herniated disc (often called a slipped disc) they have to have surgery, physical therapy or pain injections.  In reality chiropractic care is...