Chiropractic Patients Less Likely to use Opioids

A recent study from Boston University School of Public Health shows that patients that see a chiropractor for their low back pain are less likely to take opioids for pain. The statistics: Patients that saw a primary care physician were 79% more likely to take opioids...

How to Train for Low Back Core Strength

Core training is a mainstay of rehabilitative training for low back pain.  I have discovered a lot of patients don’t know what core training exercises they should be doing, and which ones are potentially dangerous and damaging to the lumbar spine.  Let’s...

Thanksgiving Tips and Hours

Thanksgiving week is always one of my favorite times of the year.  Although it can be a hectic week with lots of shopping and preparing for family, the time together is when we make all the fun memories 🙂  Of course, with all this running around and cooking there are...