A subluxation is a malposition/rotation/fixation of your spinal bones. The joints are obviously designed to flex, rotate and extend. With normal alignment and no subluxations the movement doesn’t cause any pain or limit in range of motion. If the bones become...
Any person that has ever owned a business or provided a service or product has encountered this question. To be honest for years I struggled with this question. What really does make me different than the literally 80 other chiropractors in the greater Kalamazoo area...
A subluxation can be caused by quite a few mechanisms. We classify them all into three basic categories. Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins. Thoughts: A fun way to say stress. The old saying of a day of worry is more tiring than a week of work is very true. That stress...
I get asked on a daily basis what causes back pain and subluxations. The simple answer is Thoughts, Traumas and Toxins. Thoughts: This is a fun way to say stress. I’m sure you have heard the saying “A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of...
A subluxation is a misalignment of the spine that causes pressure on the exiting nerve root and causes pain, inflammation and muscle spasm. A chiropractor is a doctor that specializes in correcting subluxations. This correction, either by hand or instrument,...