In case you have been living on an island with a volleyball named Wilson, there is a coronavirus wave sweeping the nation. This “super flu” has created quite the social media and news hysteria.
This is a good time to talk about what is health and wellness and how to stay healthy.
One of my favorite quotes I heard while in school was “Health is more than the absence of disease.”
You can be unhealthy and not have cancer, diabetes, neurological issues, etc.
Is your body functioning at its best? Are you overweight? Eat unhealthy foods? Sit all day and don’t exercise?
Most experts recommend 30 minutes of active exercise everyday. This can be as simple as taking your dog for a walk, playing wiffle ball with the neighborhood kids or riding your bike on the pretty Portage Creek Bicentennial Park trails.
Healthy eating doesn’t mean gluten free, no carbs, keto diets etc. It simply means eating more fruits and vegetables. Try having a small salad before lunch each day then have a sandwich. You may even be able to take half of your sandwich home with you and save money on dinner 🙂
Of course your neurological system plays a huge role in your health. Literally every cell in your body communicates with your nervous system. When a virus or bacteria enters your body, your nervous system is the first to react and start your immune response. Chiropractic adjustments allow your nervous system to function properly.
We have every intention of maintaining normal business hours to serve our patients and help them achieve optimal health and ability to fight off a pesky little virus.
Come get adjusted, it’s good for you. And your immune system!