I was reading a great blog article from one of my peers this morning. He had a great quote that said, “Patients aren’t living to get adjusted, they get adjusted so they can live.”
Sure, I’m friends with my chiropractor, but we have a lot more fun when we hang out on the golf course than we do when we are adjusting each other. That is why I get adjusted. It allows me to do the things that I like to do (golf, exercising) or that I need to do (yard work, shoveling snow).
When I see a patient the entire process takes about 20 minutes. That includes an adjustment, intersegmental traction, and/or electric stimulation to help decrease the muscle spasms. That sure seems like a short amount of time to make sure you can enjoy playing with your kids. Maybe you’ll finally get to play the back nine since your back doesn’t hurt!
I get adjusted once a week, even when my back doesn’t hurt. I practice what I preach and get regular chiropractic adjustments as part of my health regiment. It is an important thing for patients to realize that I believe 100% in what I do and what I recommend to my patients. If I don’t feel a treatment is the correct care for my patient I will refer them to the proper provider. The ultimate outcome is for the patient to get better. Of course, I like it best when I am the physician that is able to help get them back on the right track – chiropractic works a vast majority of the time – but I’m also not so self absorbed as to realize that some patients will respond better with another form of care.
I am here to serve you and your needs. You should get adjusted on a regular basis to keep up with your wellness care. Some of my patients only need to come in once a month to help keep them pain free. Why should you live with pain or have to limit the activities you want to do because of pain? You don’t have to with chiropractic care from Dr. Myers and Elements Chiropractic.