What is Arthritis? Chiropractic Helps!

A very common diagnosis for patients with back or neck pain is arthritis.  Specifically this is osteoarthritis.  There is also rheumatoid arthritis that is an auto-immune disease that tends to mainly be seen in the fingers, wrists, feet and ankles.  The picture below...

Chiropractic is Drug Free

I’m sure you have seen in the news or read on Facebook or Twitter how many people are effected by opioid addiction.  It is an incredibly difficult addiction to overcome and unfortunately can lead to a heroin addiction, which is all too available in our area. A...

What’s a Back/Neck Sprain

I have a lot of patients that come in and tell me they went to to urgent care or the emergency room and were told they have a back or neck sprain.  Typically they are given anti-inflammatory medicine and maybe a muscle relaxer.  I have seen a new trend instead of...

$88 Billion on Back and Neck Pain

It’s no wonder you see all this infomercials at night talking about new gadgets for back and neck pain, the perfect mattress or pillow and of course Shaq dancing with no back pain.  The US spent 3.2 trillion dollars on health care and this is how it breaks down...

Best Sleeping Positions

Two of the most common questions I am asked are:  What is the best sleeping position? What mattress do you recommend? For starters a few sleeping pointers.  You should use only one pillow under your head.  Not two or three that will cause your head to be propped up...