Aching Back and the Cold Weather

You’re not imagining it, you might really be more achy in this cold weather.  Your muscles are tighter and less flexible, therefore, they are limiting the range of motion of your joints.  Secondly, when you shiver your muscles are rapidly and repeatedly...

Side Effects and Chiropractic Care

I am often amazed at the side effects of prescription medications.  As I was watching tv last night I saw an ad for a flu medication that had the side effects of nausea and vomiting.  That’s the flu symptoms!  That would be like me saying, now I’m going to...

Chiropractic and the Common Cold

Many chiropractors tell people getting adjusted will help cure their cold, allergies etc.  In reality chiropractic care helps your body adapt to its environment better.  The central nervous system that is made up of your brain and spinal cord are the master control...