We see a lot of patients coming in with aches and pains from getting out and doing spring clean-up. Bending, lifting and reaching to pull weeds, pick up sticks and leaves, and carrying hoses all take a toll on your spine. Especially after a sedentary winter of hiding...
Core training is a mainstay of rehabilitative training for low back pain. I have discovered a lot of patients don’t know what core training exercises they should be doing, and which ones are potentially dangerous and damaging to the lumbar spine. Let’s...
I’m sure you have seen in the news or read on Facebook or Twitter how many people are effected by opioid addiction. It is an incredibly difficult addiction to overcome and unfortunately can lead to a heroin addiction, which is all too available in our area. A...
Thanksgiving week is always one of my favorite times of the year. Although it can be a hectic week with lots of shopping and preparing for family, the time together is when we make all the fun memories 🙂 Of course, with all this running around and cooking there are...
Every month one of the publications I get is called Chiropractic Economics. Lots of fun articles about treating conditions, new technology, recent studies, equipment reviews, etc. You know fun stuff if you are a chiropractor 🙂 This month there was an article about...
The short answer is YES! The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published an article showing some rather impressive results. Of course it has been well known amongst us chiropractors for years. A brief synopsis of the results are below....