Muscle Spasms and Subluxations

Muscle Spasms and Subluxations

If you have a muscle spasm in your back it can cause your spine to be subluxated. Your spine works as origin points for the majority of your muscles in your back. If these muscles become strained and tight they will pull on your spine causing it to twist out of...

Orthotics, Biofreeze and Pillows…Oh My

Did you know at Elements Chiropractic we also carry products that cater to your health needs? Recently we started stocking: Custom made orthotics by Footlevelers ($200).  These are custom made in house and can be made for any shoe type and activity level. Biofreeze...

What Causes A Subluxation?

A subluxation is a misalignment of the spine that causes pressure on the exiting nerve root and causes pain, inflammation and muscle spasm.  A chiropractor is a doctor that specializes in correcting subluxations.  This correction, either by hand or instrument,...

Muscle Knots in Your Back and Neck?

I have discovered over the years that a lot of patients present with back pain that has been diagnosed as a pulled muscle or a muscle spasm.  Of course the typical treatment is muscle relaxers and pain medications from the medical model.  Chiropractic takes a...

Muscle Spasm and Subluxations

We have all experienced that “kink” or “knot” pain in our upper back or shoulder blades.   We feel a sharp stabbing or burning pain in these areas.  You may even try to talk your spouse into rubbing your shoulders to find some relief.  So, what...

It’s Not Just a Muscle Spasm

I literally hear this everyday in my office.  “My back/neck hurts, but it’s just a muscle spasm, I must have pulled it somehow.”  Chiropractors see a lot of musculoskeletal issues, in fact this is what we specialize in for our entire careers.  So how...