Low Back Pain Helped with Chiropractic Care

It’s that time of year again when we start to get out in the yard and clean up the mess from winter.  Lots of raking, picking up sticks, pushing or riding lawn mowers, lifting heavy bags of grass clippings and aching backs from all the work.  A few good tips to...

Chiropractic Maintenance Therapy

It has long been a hot topic in the world of chiropractic.  This thing we call maintenance care.  It is often viewed as a way to “make” patients keep coming back.  As chiropractic is becoming more mainstream we are starting to finally see some research...

Trust the back pain experts-Chiropractors

I have literally spent everyday for the past 17 years focusing on back and neck pain and its related symptoms.  Starting in chiropractic school with my studies and now in private practice for the past 13 years.  Every year I take continuing education classes on low...

Chiropractic is like working out

I use this analogy a lot.  If you go to the gym once you are still weak and out of shape.  But if you go consistently over time you see a change in your body.  You become more fit, stronger and healthier.  Chiropractic care is exactly the same.  You can’t expect...

Aching Back and the Cold Weather

You’re not imagining it, you might really be more achy in this cold weather.  Your muscles are tighter and less flexible, therefore, they are limiting the range of motion of your joints.  Secondly, when you shiver your muscles are rapidly and repeatedly...