Low Back Pain and Efficacy of Chiropractic Care

Every year I get usage results from insurance companies.  The cost of patient care and how many people in our community are using chiropractic care versus other specialties.  In 2014 14% of the Kalamazoo area saw chiropractors.  This seems like an alarming number to...

Slips and Falls-Chiropractic Care

This is the most common time to see injuries from falls, of course because of the ice and snow.  Even if you don’t hurt yourself when you fall you can cause misalignments of your back and neck that will cause you problems down the road.  It is always easier to...

Chiropractors Brush Your Spine

Of course this sounds ridiculous, but let me make a comparison here.  It is really easy to tell when somebody hasn’t been taking care of their teeth for 10 years.  But how about their spine?  Can you tell if there is some degeneration (cavities), some curvature...

Chiropractic and Athletes

If you watch closely during games you will see chiropractors on the sidelines of every NFL team.  Of course other sports all have chiropractors too, NHL, NBA, MLB but they are not as visible.  These elite athletes require constant upkeep of their bodies to perform at...

Chiropractic and Orthotics

Why would a chiropractor care about your feet?  A lot of pelvic instability comes from the feet.  If you have a falling arch or you roll in or out with one foot (pronation/supination), this can affect your knees, hips and spine all the way up.  So creating a balanced...