Benefits of sleep to fight inflammation

The benefits of sleep have really come to light over the past few years with more people undergoing sleep studies.  The medical community is realizing the benefits of sleep and how our bodies use sleep to not only heal but also prevent chronic diseases. The attached...

Best Sleeping Positions

Two of the most common questions I am asked are:  What is the best sleeping position? What mattress do you recommend? For starters a few sleeping pointers.  You should use only one pillow under your head.  Not two or three that will cause your head to be propped up...

New Year’s Resolution Time

This is the time of year that most people vow to eat healthier, exercise more, save more money, spend more time with family…. I agree that all of these are wonderful ideas and resolutions.  One thing that is often over looked as the key to good health is wellness...

Troubling Sleeping? Chiropractic Can Help.

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help you sleep better.  Two reasons for this wonderful “side effect” to chiropractic care.  The first reason, has you decrease pain you will be more comfortable and will not wake up in the night due to your...