I’m sure you have heard somebody say this, or maybe you have expressed this sentiment. I think a better way to express this concern is “I don’t understand chiropractic.” Chiropractic is form of medical care that originated in the...
Just last night as my wife and I were winding down for the day we were watching one of our favorite shows and every commercial break there was the annoying drug commercials. They are comical in a way with all the side effects, and often the side effects are more...
Patients are often confused about how chiropractic works and what conditions it can help. People often think if they have a herniated disc (often called a slipped disc) they have to have surgery, physical therapy or pain injections. In reality chiropractic care is...
Chiropractic care is underutilized, not only in Kalamazoo and Portage areas, but in the entire United States. Studies have shown about 15-20% of the population see a chiropractor, but 75% of people will have back pain at some point in their life. With a relevant...
Back pain and muscle strain is almost inevitable this time of year with all the yard work. From raking and lifting to riding the lawn mower your back and neck are under stress and strain. If you have been sedentary all winter long you are even more susceptible to...