Side Effects and Chiropractic Care

I am often amazed at the side effects of prescription medications.  As I was watching tv last night I saw an ad for a flu medication that had the side effects of nausea and vomiting.  That’s the flu symptoms!  That would be like me saying, now I’m going to...

Troubling Sleeping? Chiropractic Can Help.

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments can help you sleep better.  Two reasons for this wonderful “side effect” to chiropractic care.  The first reason, has you decrease pain you will be more comfortable and will not wake up in the night due to your...

Does My Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?

Most insurances do help pay for chiropractic care.  Some even cover it at 100%.  Typically your insurance company will help you pay for a set number of visits in a range from 12-40 for the year.  You may have a copay or deductible.  A copay is a charge that is paid at...

Wrapping Presents and Back Pain

The joyful and sometimes painful holiday season is here.  Pretty soon I will start to see an increase in the number of patients that have stress and strain related pain from wrapping presents.  As silly as it seems, this activity often strains the upper back and neck....

Cleaning is a Pain in the Neck and Back

The holiday season is in full swing and you are looking forward to having your family over for holiday dinners and visits.  As you clean your house there are a few tips to remember to help prevent back and neck pain. 1.  Avoid reaching and lifting or exerting.  Like...