What’s Wrong with Me?

When a patient first presents with pain they often have three questions.  What is wrong with me? Can you help me? How much will it cost? So let’s cover some of these basics the best I can in a blog article.  Of course every patient and case is different and have...

How Long do You Want to Benefit?

How long you decide to benefit from chiropractic care is totally up to you!  Of course I like to make a recommendation for how often you should be adjusted to correct a certain condition and then benefit from wellness care.  Much like your dentist would advise you to...

It Takes Time to Heal

One of the most common questions I answer is, “how long will it take for me to feel better?”  I totally understand this concern, when patients are in pain that is their main focus.  And really mine too for initial care.  Most patients present due to a pain...

Back Exercises You Should be Doing

Of course getting adjusted is one of the most important things you can do for both your spine and overall health and wellness.  As you know from previous blogs I have talked about the benefits of getting adjusted to maintain proper nerve communication and health....

Chiropractic Prevents Pain and Illness

This is going to be a completely different way of thinking of your health care for a lot of people.  I’m sure you have heard about wellness and preventative care over the past few years with the new ACA changes.  You most likely get one well visit examination...