Stress and Back/Neck Pain

Stress has been linked to back and neck pain in recent studies. Years ago a lot of professionals brushed off the physical effects of stress. However, we know that stress can cause neck pain, back pain, headaches, anxiety, loss of sleep, depression… It’s...

Chiropractic Care Helps Headaches

Yes, I know, we already know this and have talked about it before.  However, there was a new study that came out that I wanted to share with you.  I love that chiropractic care has been getting so much research over the past decade.  Not only does it help explain to...

Concussions and Neck Injury

Balance problems or dizziness Being bothered by light or noise Confusion Double or blurry vision Difficulty remembering or paying attention Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy Feeling irritable, more emotional, or “down” Headaches Nausea or vomiting Slowed...

Chiropractic-It Just Works

Last week I was adjusting a patient and he was telling me how much better he felt now that he gets adjusted on a regular basis.  He comes every two weeks for a “tune up.”  It was fun to hear him explain how he has less pain and is able to do more...

Chiropractic and Stroke

This hot topic comes up about every five years.  There are two links below showing the statistics of this occurring.  So let’s start with the basics.  A chiropractic adjustment is a medical procedure.  Ever watched the drug commercials with all the side effects?...