Chiropractic Helps Fight off Head Colds

I know that chiropractors often get bad reputations for thinking they can “cure” everything.  Not all of us are into vitamin and supplement crazes or diet fads that have nothing to do with nutrition.  Chiropractic adjustments help your body in a lengthy...

Why I Get Adjusted Once a Week

I was reading a great blog article from one of my peers this morning.  He had a great quote that said, “Patients aren’t living to get adjusted, they get adjusted so they can live.” Sure, I’m friends with my chiropractor, but we have a lot more...

Chiropractic Focuses on the Cause of Your Condition

Chiropractic works different than the medical model for treating your back and neck pain.  If you have back pain and go into the emergency room tonight you will most likely be given a pain medication and a muscle relaxer.  The ER physician will advise you to follow up...

Chiropractic and Stroke

This hot topic comes up about every five years.  There are two links below showing the statistics of this occurring.  So let’s start with the basics.  A chiropractic adjustment is a medical procedure.  Ever watched the drug commercials with all the side effects?...

Chiropractic Maintenance Therapy

It has long been a hot topic in the world of chiropractic.  This thing we call maintenance care.  It is often viewed as a way to “make” patients keep coming back.  As chiropractic is becoming more mainstream we are starting to finally see some research...