Stress and Back/Neck Pain

Stress has been linked to back and neck pain in recent studies. Years ago a lot of professionals brushed off the physical effects of stress. However, we know that stress can cause neck pain, back pain, headaches, anxiety, loss of sleep, depression… It’s...

Chiropractic and Stroke

This hot topic comes up about every five years.  There are two links below showing the statistics of this occurring.  So let’s start with the basics.  A chiropractic adjustment is a medical procedure.  Ever watched the drug commercials with all the side effects?...

Chiropractic Maintenance Therapy

It has long been a hot topic in the world of chiropractic.  This thing we call maintenance care.  It is often viewed as a way to “make” patients keep coming back.  As chiropractic is becoming more mainstream we are starting to finally see some research...

Chiropractic is like working out

I use this analogy a lot.  If you go to the gym once you are still weak and out of shape.  But if you go consistently over time you see a change in your body.  You become more fit, stronger and healthier.  Chiropractic care is exactly the same.  You can’t expect...

New Moms and Back Pain-Chiropractic can Help

I see a lot of this in my practice.  Of course carrying a child for 9 months creates aches and pains in the back and neck also. Low back pain, sciatica and mid back pain tend to be the most common symptoms during pregnancy.  Then after birth, holding your beautiful...