Obviously a question I get a lot in practice. Of course every patient will respond different to chiropractic adjustments. However, to give a broad answer typically patients will feel better after 3-5 adjustments. The reason it takes a handful of adjustments is because...
When I go to the gym I see guys using the 90 pound dumbbells to workout. I am not strong enough to work out with those weights so the obvious answer is the gym should get rid of those weights for me. I know I’m supposed to eat less fat and more vegetables, but...
This year we are celebrating 125 years of chiropractic. The first chiropractic adjustment was performed in Davenport, Iowa by D.D. Palmer. We celebrate it in September because D.D.’s birthday was September 18th. More importantly, it shows how far chiropractic...
Our office is able to remain open. We are adhering to the open if possible and close if necessary ruling. We have made some changes at our office that include: spacing out the lobby chairs, reduced our staff to just Dr. Myers, sanitizing and cleaning even more often...
In case you have been living on an island with a volleyball named Wilson, there is a coronavirus wave sweeping the nation. This “super flu” has created quite the social media and news hysteria. This is a good time to talk about what is health and wellness...