This is going to be a completely different way of thinking of your health care for a lot of people. I’m sure you have heard about wellness and preventative care over the past few years with the new ACA changes. You most likely get one well visit examination...
I understand this thinking. I grew up only ever going to the doctor when I was sick too. In fact even today it’s hard for me to schedule a yearly physical with my family doctor. However, I do get adjusted every week even though I don’t have...
Have you been watching the silly drug commercials lately? These long drawn out commercials that talk about all the side effects and interactions with other medications? They can ruin a tv show in my opinion. Seeing the same people playing golf, or walking on the...
As I was enjoying my second cup of coffee on a lazy Saturday morning, I watched CBS This Morning and was excited to see a segment about back pain and wellness care. There was a recent study that showed conservative physical therapy was not effective at treating low...
I was reading a great blog article from one of my peers this morning. He had a great quote that said, “Patients aren’t living to get adjusted, they get adjusted so they can live.” Sure, I’m friends with my chiropractor, but we have a lot more...
I was standing in line at the pharmacy last night to pick up a prescription for one of my kids, simple antibiotic, should have been a quick stop. As I was standing there rather late in the day I was amazed at how many people were standing in line to get medicine....