How is chiropractic different than traditional medical care?

New to Chiropractic? What to Expect.

I totally understand when I have new patients that are unsure or scared on their first visit.  When you have never been adjusted (this is what chiropractors call "cracking" your back, although there is more to it than that, read on) it can be a little daunting, but...

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New Chiropractic Scope of Practice

This is a little late in letting the general public know, but there are some significant changes on the insurance side of things starting August 1st, 2015.  For the past 3 years chiropractors have been able to incorporate electric stimulation therapy, ultrasound...

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Studies Show-Chiropractic Works

A couple of times a year the Michigan Association of Chiropractors includes recent studies showing the efficacy of chiropractic care.  This is an important part of our profession because up until about 10 years ago there were no studies being performed on chiropractic...

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Why I Get Adjusted Once a Week

I was reading a great blog article from one of my peers this morning.  He had a great quote that said, "Patients aren't living to get adjusted, they get adjusted so they can live." Sure, I'm friends with my chiropractor, but we have a lot more fun when we hang out on...

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Do I Need All These Supplements?

Nobody would argue the point that the American diet is high in fat, sugar, and calories.  It is no wonder all these fad diets have been popping up over the years, in fact, fad diets are turning into a billion dollar industry.  You see them on commercials at night, you...

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Chiropractic Focuses on the Cause of Your Condition

Chiropractic works different than the medical model for treating your back and neck pain.  If you have back pain and go into the emergency room tonight you will most likely be given a pain medication and a muscle relaxer.  The ER physician will advise you to follow up...

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Chiropractic and Stroke-Hot Topic Answer

About every five years the conversation resurfaces about chiropractic adjustments and strokes.  There have been many anti-chiropractor folks out there that have pushed this topic a lot.  The typical signs of a pending stroke are neck pain and headache.  These...

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Chiropractors Have a lot of Education

Chiropractors are some of the most highly educated doctors on your team.  From the graphic below you can see that chiropractors spend 4,822 hours in the classroom during chiropractic school.  This doesn't include the previous hours of education we acquire while...

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When is Chiropractic Right for You?

Well for starters I will talk about why chiropractic care is right for you when you are in pain.  Wellness care is another topic, and covered in other blogs, and I'm sure again in the future.  But for now, let's talk about your pain and when it is the right time to...

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Chiropractic is Better than Pain Meds for Low Back Pain

Chiropractic care should be your first treatment for low back pain, even before over the counter medications like Tylenol and Advil.  The study below is from the British Medical Journal and discusses some fun tidbits about chiropractic care and low back pain. 1....

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Chiropractic vs Decompression

About 7 years ago the new gadget hitting the low back pain world was non-surgical spinal decompression.  I know sounds impressive!  So let's talk about what it's all about.  There are various machines that will do this on the market ranging from $500 to $125,000.  Of...

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I Don’t Believe in Chiropractic

I'm sure you have heard somebody say this, or maybe you have expressed this sentiment.  I think a better way to express this concern is "I don't understand chiropractic."  Chiropractic is form of medical care that originated in the 1890's.  For fun I attached a link...

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Chiropractic is Drug Free

Just last night as my wife and I were winding down for the day we were watching one of our favorite shows and every commercial break there was the annoying drug commercials.  They are comical in a way with all the side effects, and often the side effects are more...

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Chiropractic is like Toilet Paper

Chiropractic care is underutilized, not only in Kalamazoo and Portage areas, but in the entire United States.  Studies have shown about 15-20% of the population see a chiropractor, but 75% of people will have back pain at some point in their life.  With a relevant...

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Chiropractic Patient Testimonial

One of the most satisfying aspects of being a chiropractor is seeing patient start to feel better, and then the graciousness they share after their pain is gone.  And often the amazement that their pain is finally gone and there is hope again in their life....

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Your First Chiropractic Visit

Have you never been to a chiropractor?  Nervous about what to expect?  Worried about all that cracking and crunching that people tell you about?  Well let me help you put your worries to rest. Your first visit we will talk about what issues you are having, such as...

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Chiropractic should be your first treatment

Seeing a chiropractor and being adjusted within the first ten days of when a back pain incident starts greatly reduces the cost of your care, likelihood of having surgery, reduces the amount of pain medications needed and decreases the amount of imaging.  Referenced...

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Is Chiropractic Right for You?

How do you know if going to see a chiropractor will help your back or neck pain? On your first visit your Doctor of Chiropractic will take a detailed history and perform an examination.  They may request x-ray imaging of your spine in a standing position to see how...

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Chiropractic-It Just Works

Last week I was adjusting a patient and he was telling me how much better he felt now that he gets adjusted on a regular basis.  He comes every two weeks for a "tune up."  It was fun to hear him explain how he has less pain and is able to do more activities like...

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Misconceptions about Chiropractors

There are a lot of people that still don't know what we do.  Looking at the statistics, only about 14% of the population uses chiropractic care.  But 75-80% of the population has back pain at some point in their life. At least twice a month I have somebody tell me...

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